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Welcome Aboard!

Welcome to MonsterMaritime, the Web’s best repository of all things nautical! MonsterMaritime is the place where mariners of all description can come together to share ideas, experiences and knowledge of the maritime world. As a professional mariner, my goal is to provide a carefully researched and compiled site for all who love the sea, its stories and adventures.

Maritime Knowledgebase, Marketplace, Maritime News

Visit our maritime knowledgebase to begin your online adventure. This portion of the site will provide searchable links to many thousands of maritime related websites categorized and cross-referenced to help you with your research. If you can’t find it here, chances are you didn’t need to know it. On this research (links) page, register to become a member by joining our online community (it’s free). Membership allows you to share your comments on the sites you’ve visited, rate the sites and affect their ranking in the system. Membership also allows you to make suggestions for new sites and categories to help the monster grow. As the knowledgebase expands, avid members with expertise on a particular topic will become apparent and may be asked if they’d like to volunteer to take over the moderation of that portion of the site.

Browse today’s Maritime News with continually updated maritime headlines from around the world.

MonsterMaritime has created a Marketplace and Ship’s Chandlery for books, supplies, nautical gifts and provisions. This portion of the site is administered in association with the e-commerce services to provide reliable, safe, and secure internet commerce transactions. Although the keywords used for the “homepage” of the marketplace will produce nautical and maritime related products, use the search box to find anything that you may wish to purchase online. The marketplace software consolidates your purchases in a MonsterMaritime shopping cart and when you go to check out, your transaction is processed by a subsidiary of I am very impressed with how well this system works!

Take a look around. Become a member. Tell me what you think. MonsterMaritime will be growing exponentially in the very near future. I welcome your as I continue to expand this site!

Welcome Aboard,

Daniel Twohig

One Response to “Welcome Aboard!”

  1. mct Says:

    Every day brings something new to this site in our effort to make it better and better. Don’t forget to tell people to check back often, or add us to their RSS feeds!

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