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Archive for November, 2006

Knowledgebase Update

Monday, November 27th, 2006

Focus was on the History section today. I have added categories and subcategories for Caribbean Island History, and several “Wars and Conflicts” categories sorted by century. When I was done with that, the site count was 9973.

9973? I better press on and round the day out by crossing the 10k mark. At 2143 local, I added another slug of maritime piracy and shipping history sites to the Maritime History section. The current site count is: 10,037 websites in 4 major categories and cross referenced within 1606 subcategories.
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Gift Certificates Available

Monday, November 27th, 2006

With the holiday seaon in full swing, MonsterMaritime has added Amazon Gift Certificates to its available items in the Marketplace and Ship’s chandlery. Gift Certificates can be purchased for any amount from $5.00 to $5000 and are redeamable at any store, website or associate website. Of course, we highly recommend that you redeam your gift certificates at the MonsterMaritime Marketplace and Ship’s Chandlery…
The season is very busy and sometimes you can’t find the time to shop. Or, you’ve wracked your brain but you can not think of anything that he or she really needs or wants. Or, maybe you’re just lazy?

Just think of how happy that special someone would be with an Amazon gift certificate for $5000? I know that it would make me pretty happy but that is probably not realistic for most of us…  How about $50-$100?

Take care of your holiday shopping today.  Purchase your Gift Certificates from and help support this site.

Favorite Authors: Patrick O’Brian

Sunday, November 26th, 2006

A MonsterMaritime Posting by Susan Wenger

Patrick O’Brian (1914-2000) was the author of a twenty-novel series about British naval captain “Lucky” Jack Aubrey and his particular friend Stephen Maturin, an Irish/Catalan physician and an intelligence officer serving the Royal Navy. A twenty-first book was started before he died, and the incomplete, unpolished and unfinished draft of the three chapters he’d worked on prior to his death was released four years after his death.
