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Archive for February, 2007

Another Great Floating Museum

Sunday, February 25th, 2007 reader Wayne Marshall pointed me to the website of the HMS Trincomalee. This website has a virtual tour of the ship that is not to be missed.

I will be putting together a more comprehensive listing of floating museums in the near future.


Technorati Tags: Trincomalee, 1812, war of 1812, floating museum, uss constitution, hms victory, american revolution, age of sail, Napoleon, Nelson, John Paul Jones, square rigger, tall ship

The Age of Nelson and the Napoleonic Wars

Friday, February 23rd, 2007

This weeks featured websites revolve around the Napoleonic Wars and the British naval hero Horatio Nelson.There are literally thousands of sites on the web that speak of this interesting era in history.

Of particular note are sites pertaining to the floating museums in England and the United States.

HMS Victory can be found at the Portsmouth Naval Yard in England. The ship has been fully restored to her 1805 fighting trim and is available daily for tours. A website giving a synopsis of Nelson’s life can be found by clicking on the following link: The Life of Nelson.

The USS Constitution (Old Ironsides) is the oldest commissioned naval vessel in the world and can be seen at the Boston Naval Yard.

I have a friend in North Carolina who once lent me an old leather bound book entitled, “A primer of Navigation for the Young Midshipman.” This book was written in the late 1700’s and was used as part of the young gentleman’s nautical education. My favorite chapters involved the sequence of orders given to get the ship underway from anchor and also to “exercise the great guns.”

I have recently come across an “e-book” project that is making available old texts that help explain the workings of these old sailing ships. The Elements and Practice of Rigging and Seamanship is a comprehensive textbook of rigging, seamanship and naval tactics in the age of fighting sail. This is an amazing “must visit” reference for those studying this period.


Technorati Tags: uss constitution, hms victory, American Revolution, Napoleon, Nelson, John Paul Jones,

Decisions are made by those who show up.

Friday, February 16th, 2007

I testified before the House Transportation Committee yesterday regarding the dangers of “Portable Electronic Devices” while driving in the confines of the Washington State Ferries. My testimony was received well.

HB 1868 would prohibit the use of cell phones and other portable electronic devices while driving on the roadways of Washington state. There was considerable testimony on this topic and not a single person including the representatives of the cell phone companies who thought this new law was a bad idea.

Click on the link below to read the text of my written comments to the Legislature.