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Archive for October, 2008

Palin will appoint herself to the US Senate

Wednesday, October 29th, 2008

I just thought that I would break my own new rule about not talking politics on this site and throw out a prediction that Sarah Palin will appoint herself to the US Senate if she can get Ted Stevens to resign.

There is very recent Alaskan precedent for this.    Frank Murkowski stepped down from the US Senate to run for Governor and when he won the election, he immediately  appointed his daughter to his vacated senate seat.

Sarah Palin defeated Frank Murkowski for the Governor’s office.  Although there would have to be a special election, in the interim, Sarah Palin can appoint anybody she wants to the vacant senate seat.   Hmmmm….

McCain/Palin is down in the polls.  What do you think will happen on November 5th?

You heard it here first!!

Ted Stevens, Sarah Palin, Palin, stevens, US Senate, Vice President, Gavernor, Alaska, Obama, Senate, Washington DC, Poll, Gallup, Couric,

Gentlemen of Fortune

Sunday, October 12th, 2008

I just had to add this link to the pile.  This is probably the best site that I have ever run across to research all thing piratey.


pirates, caribbean, sailor, blackbeard, breathren of the coast