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Archive for the 'What's New?' Category

What’s new in the Knowledgebase

Saturday, January 20th, 2007

This week I have added a category for sites pertaining to sea shanties and other songs of the sea. Click on the link above to go to that page in the Knowledgebase.

There is a new release of traditional sea songs and shanties by various modern artisits including Bono, Lou Reed and Richard Thompson. The 43 song, 2 CD set is called Rogue’s Gallery. You can find it by clicking on the link to the title above.

Marketplace and Ship’s Chandlery Update

Wednesday, December 6th, 2006

Business is brisk in the Chandlery. I have taken your suggestions to heart and provided some of our biggest selling items on the front page of the Marketplace. Remember, click on the categories to the left and place ANYTHING in the search box. Chances are good that you can find it on MonsterMaritime.

Also, if you see a product and you like the manufacturer or brand, click on it and the Monster will bring up their entire catalog. It is a very impressive feature. Give it a try.


Monster Reading List Update

Tuesday, December 5th, 2006

Today I have added to the reading list books by and about William Dampier. Dampier was an explorer and naturalist by profession, but a pirate and bucaneer by trade. His book “A New Voyage Around the World” is one of the most important works of his time and set the stage for future explorations.

There are also several books written about Dampier, I recommend ” A Pirate of Exquisite Mind” by Diana Preston