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11307 links in 5 categories, with 16138 clicks and 3 comments by 58 members. Directory last updated 03/24/11.
Welcome Kapil Godara, the newest member.
Adventure Seekers (1,299)
Canals, Canoeing, Coast Guard, Dragon Boating, Kayaking, Kitesurfing, Maps and Charts, More...
For adventurers, writers, explorers and scientists.
Maritime History (1,881)
17th Century Wars and Conflicts, 18th Century Wars and Conflicts, 19th CenturyWars and Conflicts, 20th Century Wars and Conflicts, Aircraft Carriers, Antique and Classic Motorboats, Battleships, More...
Maritime Professionals (4,821)
Associations, British Maritime Sites, Communications, Conferences, Directories, Education and Training, Employment, More...
For those who make their living on or around the water.
Pleasure Seekers (3,737)
Amateur Boat Building and Restoration, Antique and Classic Motorboats, Associations, Boat Builders and Yards, Boating Laws and Regulations, Canals, Canoeing, More...
For those whose idea of fun or relaxation involves being on the water.
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